Restriction lists for the Netherlands (ZZSx2)

This article has been translated with machine translation. 

Dutch customers get offered a country package of Dutch restriction lists as a standard, to facilitate being compliant with national legislation. The lists are shown in the Overview in iChemistry. The lists offered are described below. 

If you have products on any of the list, you'll need to determine if you should substitute the product or in any way adapt your risk assessment. As a first step, you can check the concentration level of the substance that is causing the match. This way you'll get an understanding if the hazardous substance constitutes a significant or minor part of your chemical product. 

To identify the substance, you can visit the product's iSafe and find the substance under Restriction- and prohibition lists, under Reason. Then check the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Section 3 or click on 'Show composition' at the bottom of iSafe to see the concentration of that substance in the chemical product.

If you are unsure about how to proceed, we recommend that you contact either your account manager or our EHS experts by emailing [email protected], and they will guide you further.

Total list of ZZS

ZZS (Substances of very high concern) are substances that are dangerous for people and the environment. Dutch government policy is laid down in the Environmental Management Activities Decree. This obliges companies to prevent their discharges and emissions of ZZS to air and water. If this is not feasible, the emissions must be limited as much as possible (minimization obligation). As of 1 January 2016, this minimization obligation applies to all ZZS. The total list represents an overview of all individual ZZS in the Dutch Risks of Substances Search System (Risico’s van stoffen zoeksysteem).

The list consists of CAS- and EC numbers which are collected Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu.

List of potential ZZS

List of potential ZZS (Substances of Very High Concern) recognized by the Dutch authorities. Potential ZZS are substances that may meet the ZZS criteria, but have not yet been identified as ZZS. This may be because certain data is missing, or because the evaluation of the available data has yet to take place.

The list consists of CAS- and EC numbers which are collected Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu.

While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, this translation may not be entirely error-free. Please consider this when interpreting the information.

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