iChemistry updates and announcements 2024-08-10

On Saturday the 10th of August 2024, we will update iChemistry with minor feature and stability improvements, alongside the following more significant changes explained here below.

Improvement of the "With substances" report

Navigate to Reports > Products > With substances

Our most comprehensive report now shows even more valuable data by displaying three new columns:

  • Product lists: Shows which restriction and prohibition lists the product matches against.
  • Substance lists: Indicates which component substance causes the match against each restriction list.
  • Active: Indicates whether the product is inventoried or de-inventoried during the selected year. This helps you present a complete report of products used throughout the year, even if you have stopped using some of them.

Departments data in Overview

Navigate to Overview

Get even better insight into your departments, using the new Overview function!

Starting August 10, you can access the Overview and see four new clickable headings in the first field "Products and Departments." It now shows not only the total number of departments but also which departments have products and which do not. Click on one of the headings to get a shortcut to what you need to do; either go directly to the inventory to add products, or go directly to the department info to mark a department as inactive if it should not have any products.

Faster performance on the Department page

Navigate to Departments

We continue to strive for a faster and more user-friendly iChemistry. This time, the department page becomes significantly faster by loading only the information you have chosen to see! You can select which fields you want to have expanded and minimize the others. The system remembers which fields you have expanded when you switch departments. The information is loaded only when you click Expand.

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