About risk assessments in iChemistry

About the risk assessment module in iChemistry

Risk assessment is a crucial process in ensuring workplace safety, particularly when working with hazardous chemicals. The iChemistry risk assessment module simplifies this process, offering a structured approach to managing chemical risks in compliance with industry standards. This article explains how the module can protect your employees and when it's necessary for your business.

The iChemistry risk assessment module has been developed and refined over many years to align with numerous international and national regulations that ensure workplace chemical safety. It serves as a comprehensive tool that incorporates both national and international legal requirements, allowing you to complete the sections relevant to your specific operations and country. By using our risk assessment tool, you can effectively meet regional legal standards, prevent regulatory penalties, and enhance employee safety. 

Protect your employees

The primary objective of the iChemistry risk assessment module is to protect your employees from the harmful effects of hazardous chemicals. Exposure to dangerous substances can result in health problems such as respiratory issues, skin irritations, chemical burns, and long-term chronic illnesses. By using this tool, employers can assess potential chemical risks, implement control measures, and ensure a safer working environment.

An important aspect of conducting risk assessments for chemical products is that the risk is not evaluated based on the chemical product itself, but rather on the specific activity involving the chemical product.

Here’s how the iChemistry risk assessment module helps to protect employees:

  • Identifying particularly hazardous chemicals: The module allows you to catalog all chemicals used in your workplace, highlighting the ones with the most hazardous properties by assigning them a risk score from 1 to 5.
  • Evaluating exposure: The tool calculates the exposure risk based on factors such as the frequency of use, quantity of chemicals, and the environment in which they are handled. You will then be able to adjust the calculated risks according to your specific conditions.
  • Handling instructions: The module helps ensure employees are informed about the risks associated with the chemicals they work with, and it provides guidance for safe handling and emergency procedures, by generating an activity based safety sheet with handling instructions.
  • Monitoring and review: The system allows for continuous monitoring and updating of risk assessments to ensure safety protocols remain effective as workplace conditions or chemical inventories change.

By systematically managing these risks, employers can prevent accidents, reduce workplace incidents, and safeguard the health of their employees.

When and how often should a risk assessment be conducted?

The general rule is that risk assessments should be carried out when there are work scenarios where employees are exposed to risks—regardless of the size of the business or the severity of the risks.

New assessments are typically conducted when there is a change in the business or in the handling of the chemical. This can include:

  • Changed work methods or working hours
  • New or updated work equipment
  • Substitution of a product or chemical
  • New construction or renovations

A risk assessment is not something you do once; it is a continuous process where you review as often as the specific scenario requires. The review should assess whether additional measures are required or if existing ones can be reduced or eliminated.

The employer is always ultimately responsible for the work environment. Therefore, the risk assessment can be signed by the employer when possible, or by someone who has been assigned responsibility for the assessment and understands the associated responsibilities.

If you have any questions about conducting risk assessments or need assistance in carrying them out, our EHS experts are highly experienced and ready to help. Feel free to reach out to them at consulting@intersolia.com.

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