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About the list
The restriction list in the REACH regulation covers substances in both chemical products and articles. Many of the restrictions apply to the sale of chemical products and articles to the general public, but there are restrictions that may also be important for those selling goods and chemical products to other businesses or are end users of chemical products.
A restriction can apply to an individual substance or a group of substances. For the general public, restrictions may also be based on product classification. Examples of restrictions include outright bans, concentration limits, or the prohibition of substances in certain types of materials or product categories. Other examples of restrictions include the requirement for chemical products to be labeled or the need for training to handle the product.
The list in iChemistry consists of substances with CAS and/or EC numbers collected directly from ECHA's official list of Substances restricted under REACH. We have also supplemented the list with additional criteria (CAS and EC numbers). Our EHS consultants have carried out investigations of all substance groups and variants of substances, supplementing the list with substances that are not on ECHA's official website for REACH Annex XVII, but which by definition are subject to restrictions. We therefore help you to easily find more substances that are subject to restrictions within the EU.
I have products on the list - what should I do?
You need to look at what kind of restriction the substance has, is it e.g. a ban or only restricted for a certain type of use? This is information that yoiu can find on ECHA's website when you know which substance is causing the match against the restriction list. Follow these steps to find which substance it is:
1. Go to Overview > Restriction and Prohibition Lists > REACH Annex XVII Restriction
2. Click on a product, to get to the product's iSafe/product info.
3. Scroll down to the Restriction and prohibition lists field and find REACH Annex XVII Restriction list and find the substance under Reason.
4. If you want to know the concentration of that substance in the product, you can either check section 3 of the product's SDS, or click on "Show composition" at the bottom of the page.
If you want to know more about the substance that causes the match, you can search for it on ECHA's website, or contact our EHS consultants at [email protected] who can help you further.
Keep in mind that the restriction list will flag all product containing substances on the XVII list, regardless of how your specific area of use. If your usage of the product is not covered by the legislation, you can choose to exclude it from the list. Please note also that we have another restriction list called REACH Annex XVII Restriction list - Only for professional use, where we have exluded some of the entries that are only restricted for so called consumer use, and not for professional use.
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