Exposure register

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Navigate to Tools > Exposure register

At the moment, this function is only launched for Norwegian market market. 

For information about the Swedish version, please see the article in Swedish: Exponeringsregister anpassat för svenska marknaden

Below description are connected to Norwegian legislation:

About Exposure register

The employer is obligated to keep a register of employees who are exposed to certain health-damaging conditions.

The requirement for a register applies in particular where a long time may pass between the employee being exposed to the harmful relationship and the illness or injury becoming apparent.

The purpose of the register is:

1. To provide the employer with an overview of employees who have encountered harmful conditions.

2. To enable others to trace back to these workers even after an extended period.

3. To serve as documentation for exposure that might warrant compensation due to occupational diseases; for example, if an individual develops cancer, the record should facilitate tracking whether the person has been exposed to carcinogenic chemicals.

Which areas require a register?

There is a requirement for registration of exposed workers in the following areas:

  • Register of workers exposed to lead, cancer-causing chemicals and chemicals that are harmful to the genetic material
  • Register of workers who have been or may be exposed to dust with asbestos fibres
  • Register of workers exposed to biological factors
  • Register of workers exposed to ionizing radiation
  • Register of workers exposed to substances hazardous to health during quarrying
  • Work by children and young people

The requirement for information varies somewhat from area to area, but most often the register must contain:

  • Name and social security number
  • Position, type of work, possibly date of employment and dismissal or resignation
  • Workplace
  • Exposure, including any accidents and incidents (type, level, time and duration)
  • Possible time for health examination and name of doctor (requirement in connection with work with asbestos)
  • Should be available in 60 years after the exposure date, at least for cancerogenic/mutagenic and lead

To register an exposure, click on the button in the top menu:

You find all registrations under Tools > Exposure register

While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, this translation may not be entirely error-free. Please consider this when interpreting the information.

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