This article has been translated with machine translation.
Applies for: iChemistry and iDistributor
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Q: What is an API and how does it work?
A: It's a protocol that allows programs to communicate with each other. The communication usually consists of sending or retrieving data, either automatically or manually by the user.
Company Inc. is requesting Loctite 243 product data from iChemistry.
They then send a demand with defined parameters (criteria) to iChemistry.
Product Name
iChemistry sends the Loctite 243 product data back to the customer's internal programs / directories.
Our API services
All below services are supported by our unique safety data sheet updating service, which brings safety data sheet data continously and with precise data.
Inventory API
In this API, iChemistry can both send and receive information through the API. Add or remove the product inventory for consumption and inventory information, as well as which units apply.
This supports the scenario where you have an ERP system, purchasing system or similar and have obligations to report consumption or storage to authorities.
Product Data API
This API sends back product data with information such as
Product Name
Signal words
H-phrases description.
This scenario suppors if you want to have data fromthe SDS in any other system. For example, present the how hazardous a product is on you e-commerce webshop. It could also be used to follow trends on CMR products in your own business intellegence system, like Power BI.
SDS distribution API
Sends requested safety data sheets from your ERP system. This supports the REACH article 31, where you are as a supplier needs to forward SDS to next part of the supply chain.
Product links API
Sends links for requested safety data sheets.
This is used when you want to have updated safety data sheets in any other system or on your web shop.
Custom reports API
This is for advanced usage, Intersolia can define a dataset with the data you choose to be outputted in the API.
Data can be used in any other system.
Label data API
If you have an exisiting software for labelling like Nice Label, Bartender or similar, this API will get the correct data from the product.
While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, this translation may not be entirely error-free. Please consider this when interpreting the information.
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