Own fields

This article has been translated with machine translation.

Navigate to:
Settings > Configuration > Own fields
Edit in iSafe

Own fields

Own fields can be useful when you need to add certain data or values about your products. It lets you manually add data about some or all of your products.

Information that is added in Own fields will be shown on iSafe and in the report Extended. The titles for the own fields is added under Settings > Own fields

You can have up to 20 own fields, please contact [email protected] if you want us to unlock more fields.

Note: If you have a system with several languages, the Own fields will not be translated, so you would have to use your common language when you name them.

Add information to custom own fields

Search the product that you want to add information to. 

Go to iSafe > Edit > Add data > Save

The information that is added will be specific for that product and visible in iSafe:

Own fields in Extended report

Go to Reports > Products > Extended

The added information will be visible in Extended report:

 While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, this translation may not be entirely error-free. Please consider this when interpreting the information.

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