Departments data in Overview

This article has been translated with machine translation. 

Here's an overview of how many departments you have and if there are any departments missing products. Some departments are created solely for the organizational structure and should not contain any products; these can be marked as inactive. 

These functions, available under "Overview > Departments and products," are designed to give you better insight into your departments and streamline your management tasks. This article will explain the four clickable headings: Number of departments, Departments not intended for inventory, Departments with inventory activated, and 

Departments that are missing products.

The number of listed departments and subdepartments is based on the department you have currently selected in the organization tree 

Number of departments

The "Number of Departments" function displays the total count of all departments and subdepartments within your organization. 

Departments not intended for inventory

The "Departments Not Intended for Inventory" function identifies departments that should not have any products listed under their inventory. This is particularly useful for administrative or support departments that do not handle chemical products. To ensure accurate inventory management, we recommend that you mark all departments that should not have products as "Inventory is not allowed in this department. Exclude from overview." within the department info (see "More actions" below).

Departments with inventory activated

The "Departments with inventory activated" function highlights departments that currently have inventory management activated. This helps you quickly identify which departments are actively managing products and ensures that inventory-related tasks are being handled appropriately. 

Departments that are missing products

The "Departments that are missing products" function shows departments with inventory management activated but no products listed in their inventory. This function is crucial for ensuring that all relevant departments are inventoried with necessary products. By identifying these gaps, you can take immediate action to add the required products. 

More actions

Under each heading, you can go directly to "Edit department info" and "Manage inventory" using the button on the far right of each department's row, called "More actions." This feature provides quick access to the most relevant actions for each department, enhancing your ability to manage your organization's structure and inventory seamlessly.

While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, this translation may not be entirely error-free. Please consider this when interpreting the information.

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