Manage inventory

This article has been translated with machine translation.

                        Local Search                                                                                                 Global Search

Manage inventory is a feature that allow our users to find product which they want to add/remove/

edit from their departments.

Note: Only administrator with permissions to manage inventory will have this functionality

available. This can, if needed, be adjusted in the web application.

Manage inventory consists of 2 types of searches: 

  1. Local search- that allows you to search trough your inventory, add products to other 

    departments, remove products from departments, edit products or view the current SDS of the 


  2. Global search - allows you to search for products that are not inventories in your system. 

    Global search only allows you to add a products to your inventory and view the products SDS. 

    When searching for a product globally you are searching trough the whole Intersolia database.

    When you search the global database, a new option appears to choose Inventory market, if you 

    have more than one in your iChemistry.

Note: you can edit the product after adding them to a certain department in your system.

If you can not find a product you were looking for in the global search you can request the


You can find more about requesting products in this article.

In the top right corner, you find the symbol for opening the EAN/barcode scanner. For this to 

work, you need to manually connect an EAN code to your products. 

To read more about the scanner functionality visit this article.

While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, this translation may not be entirely error-free. Please consider this when interpreting the information.

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