How to remove products

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Navigate to:
Tools > Inventory


Remove a product from the inventory

1. Mark the product.

2. Click on Remove. For products that have risk assessments connected to it, you will get the question if you want to archive the risk assessment in this step.

3. If you would like to see your removed products later on, tick the box: Include removed products and departments.

Remove a product from several departments at the same time

If you have a product that is inventoried in multiple departments in iChemistry, but your organization has decided to stop using the product, there is a way to remove it from all departments simultaneously. The easiest way to do this is in the substitution module.

Navigate to Tools > Substitution and choose the product you want to remove. Click on Next without choosing a replacement product. Choose option "Remove current product from inventory" and choose the top department. Please note that if you have any ongoing substitutions in any departments, you need to complete these first.

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