Introduktion till WPI

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Tools > WPI

What is a WPI / BA?

WPI: Workplace instructions

BA: Betriebsanweisung 

A WPI is a document that contains information that will help your organization to avoid accidents, health risks and environmental risks when working with hazardous products.

As a general rule, workplace instructions should be easily accessible for the staff that are working with or near the chemical products, e.g. on walls or surfaces of shelves, machines, etc.

WPI / BA view

If you navigate to Tools > WPI, you see which products in the chosen department that have WPI's and also which doesn't:

1. Group WPI: A group WPI is when you have included more than one chemical product in the WPI. They can be published, ongoing, done or changed. The general aim should be to have them published when possible.

2. WPI: Here you see WPI's for single products that are published, ongoing, done or changed. The general aim should be to have them published when possible.

3. Products without WPI: In this list you can see the products in chosen department that don't yet have a WPI. The general aim should be to create and publish them when possible.

Published WPI's have a little symbol to the right, which leads to the finished WPI document.

To start a new WPI, you can either click New or select a product from Products without WPI.


While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, this translation may not be entirely error-free. Please consider this when interpreting the information.

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